Slamming Bars & Crushin’ PRs!

Rachel Going Over the Importance of a Neutral Spine
Rachel Going Over the Importance of a Neutral Spine

We couldn’t be more proud of the progress that we have seen over this past summer. The summer tends to be a tough time to make gains and see progress. Keep up the hard work! Don’t forget, if you don’t tell us that you PR’d we won’t know. Simply let your coach know after class when you report your scores on the whiteboard- we’ll make a note of it so your accomplishments get recognized!

LJ & sarah
Congratulations to Sarah & John (aka Lil’ John, aka LJ) on their recent engagement! We couldn’t be happier for you guys 🙂

Overhead Squat
Pieta 83 x 3
Brian 175 x 2
Danielle 85 x 2
Cole 145 x 2

Front Squat
Melissa 165 x 1
Joe 145 x 1
Mel 170 x 1
Ildi 55 x 1
George 245 x 1
Martine 171 x 1
Gambee 315 x 1
Kel 145 x 2
Nate 225 x 2
Allie 125 x 2
Jonathan 185 x 1
Martine 170 x 1
Amanda 100 x 1
Jenny 104 x 1
Bonnie 130 x 1
Michael 175 x 1
Abdu 175 x 1
Nate 175 x 1
Kelli 175 x 1
Crystal 190 x 1

Enzo 185 x 5
Jo 145 x 2
Gabby 155 x 2

Rebecca 150 x 2
Joe 185 x 2
Nick 405 x 2
Barrow 350 x 2
Derek 350 x 2

Shoulder to Overhead
Lynne 130 x 2 Push Press
Turch 125 x 1 Push Jerk
Nathaniel 145 x 1Push Press
Tom B. 200 x 1 Push Jerk

Squat Clean
Gwen 80
Marc P 275
Melissa 135

In other news…
Kari 1st pullup unassisted
Jill M. 1st muscle up
Joyce Rx pushups for full WOD
Monica 24″ box jumps in a WOD
Derek H 1st muscle up
Tim R. 1st muscle up

Front Squat

20 Hang Power Cleans (135,95)
200m Run
18 Hang Power Cleans
200m Run
16 Hang Power Cleans
200m Run
14 Hang Power Cleans
200m Run
12 Hang Power Cleans
200m Run

Level 2 (115,75)
Level 1 (95,45)