Wednesday Partner WOD


We will be open in the AM but will only be running one box.  All Levels classes will be held at 530, 630 & 730am in Southie Green.  Rx, L1 and L2 athletes are all encouraged to come to these classes.  There will be no separate bootcamp however bootcampers are encouraged to join the general class at 530 or 630am.  The rest of the day will run as normally scheduled.

Do you have trouble with your front rack mobility? Today is a perfect day to watch the video and practice this partner stretch before class to improve your movement efficiency and reduce wrist pain. Have any questions? Ask the coach!

Day 3 of the 21 Day Nutrition Challenge. Log HERE.

Front Squat

Partner WOD
14 Minute AMRAP
5 Hang Squat Cleans (155,105)
20 Double Unders
10 Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5)

-One partner works at a time

Level 3 (135,95)
Level 2 (115,75) (1.5,1) Level 1 (95,50) (1,0.75)
Adv – KB single arm snatch – 5 each arm (2/1.5)